You did the work and filled out the census, which helped set the record for the highest response rate yet. Now, it's time to check out the information and insights your data helped reveal about Canada. Here are some interesting facts!

Condo craze: Fuelled by trends like urbanization, the housing landscape is changing, and condos are on the rise, both literally and figuratively. The growth rate of households living in condominiums in the city was more than 16 per cent since 2011, and condos represent one-third of all occupied private dwellings built between 2011 and 2016.

Changing commutes: The way people get to work is changing. More people are now using public transit than before. Nearly one-third of commuters use sustainable transportation—public transit, walking, cycling or carpooling—and women are more likely than men to use greener transportation.

Work wonders: Canadians are equipping themselves for today's jobs, with 81.4 per cent of postsecondary graduates aged 25 to 64 choosing fields that are essential for building a strong social infrastructure. These include education, communications, justice, health and others.

Solitary style: At 28.2 per cent of all private households, the number of people living alone is the highest it's ever been since Confederation—a trend that is similar in other countries like the United States and the United Kingdom. One-person households became the most common type of household for the first time in 2016, surpassing couples with children. This type of household went down to 26.5 per cent.

Doubling down on diversity: Positive gains in representation are also happening in the workforce and education. For example, over half of recent immigrants have a bachelor's degree or higher, and women now make up the majority of people working in the health and social assistance sector.


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